Modular Wooden Transport Racks - Customer Categories

Wooden Transport Rack for Glass  

High-Quality wooden racks, perfectly tailored to the needs of the glass industry.

Wooden Transport Racks for Natural Stone

High-Quality and affordable transport racks and slab carts that perfect suit the needs of the natural stone industry.

Wooden Transport Racks for Tiles 

High-Quality and affordable wooden transport racks, designed for both freestanding use as well as compatible with euro pallets tailored for transporting and storing (XL) tiles and Ceramic Slabs.

A-Frame Carts for the Woodworking industry

High-Quality and affordable wooden A-frame carts, perfectly designed for woodworkers and interior designers.

Wooden Transport Racks for Windows & Doors

High-quality and affordable wooden transport racks and carts that are ideal for transporting and storing windows and doors.

Wooden Storage Racks for efficient warehouse storage 

High-quality and affordable transport racks and a-frame carts, ideal for upright storage and transportation of various sheet material.